Most of the art I see online about men and women, is the lack of representation for the dark skinned, morena/moreno South-east Asian beauties. I see an overwhelming romanticism for the alabaster/porcelain and pale skin especially with Filipinos. Whitening products everywhere!
But, I get it. I can't control what they wanna do with their bodies. It's theirs. All I can do is make people feel beautiful without having to stick needles in their veins to kill the melanin that brands a race.
I mean, why can't we put that bright pink cotton candy hair on latik colored skin? There's always the need to push back what you wanna do and what you wanna wear just because you think you're too dark? That sh- is messed up.
Beauty shouldn't have a shade or a bar on the tonal value scale. "Lunar" as the title for this piece is very fitting. The moon is ever glowing, even if it has a dark side.